Exams and results

The exam was the final written (closed book) assessment on a module called 'War and Peace in East Asia', and I answered the following questions:
1. Which theory of international relations - Realism, Liberalism or Constructivism - possesses the greatest explanatory power in making sense of East Asian security?
2. Does the presence of US bases in the East Asian region guarantee or threaten the region's security?
3. 'China and Japan's reactions to the "war on terror" have been driven more by domestic considerations than international ones'. Do you agree?
The exam was such a blur that I still don't know if I actually managed to provide sensei with
a single relevant and/or reasonably well argued answer. My mind seems to jettison everything I've ever read whenever I'm facing an exam. I have non-existent exam taking skills, and even though I am a much better student now than as an undergraduate I still consistently underperform, which is terribly frustrating.